Thursday, October 30, 2008


I am currently reading this book:

"The mystery of Marriage", by Mike Mason.

How I came about this book is a new experience for me. I actually met the author first. A very humble and quiet man; doesn't seem to presume anything and likes to inquire without opinion. Fascinating.

What I've been left wrestling with is the notion that whoever wrote this book 23 years ago, seems to be a different man than the one I've gotten to know recently. The writer of this novel is very idealistic and authoritative; a bold approach for someone who wasn't even married yet when writing this book!

I'm going to be honest, with barely being 50 pages in, I have not yet been captivated by this book. A couple parts have made me laugh out loud, and I found an analogy or two to be relevant, but on the whole, I feel like I'm reading a textbook. At this point, the usual "me" would put this book down but....I'm friends with the author. Awkward.

What if he reads this post? More awkward.

I will write a full review/report on the novel when I am finished. And yes, I intend to finish it.


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